P22MB | Smart Podium (21.5in Touchscreen)

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Sale price$3,999.00 Regular price$4,499.00


Singular. Exemplary. Enthralling Integrates PC, microphone, touch screen into a singular device.

Stable and durable, enhances corporate image.

Screen-sharing Re-invented Connects with mobile devices, laptops, and synchronises the screens with onstage display; You can easily switch between devices.

4 Multiple Choices for Connection. 5 Wireless Screen-sharing.

Up to 8 devices for instant switch Annotation at Will Annotate on the smart lectern while facing to the audience to improve engagement Electrically Adjustable Height that Fits Your Stage Making you comfortable on stage, both for making hand gestures and annotating or touching on the smart lectern on MAXHUB Smart Lectern Wireless Deployment Helps Adapt to Different Settings Mobile on wheels. Wait not, to take your speech to a wider audience.

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